C Shell cheat sheet

TABLE C.1: Shell cheat sheet
Command Description

Change directory

.. to parent directory

~ to home directory

- to last visited directory


List files in directory

-l as list

ssh <username>@<server address> Make a secure connection to server
pwd Print working directory
less <filename>

Look at text file

Press Help for navigation

Press Quit to leave

scp <source> <target>

Copy files between local and server

Give file path on server as <user>@<server address>:<file path>

exit Close session (either to server or to local terminal)

Get list of command history

Follow with !<number> to execute that corresponding command again

-a <filename> save a history of your current session to a text file to document your work

man <command>

help <command>

<command> --help

Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict how to get help for a <command>, try any one of these until one works

Create a virtual terminal that continues to run jobs even when your connection to server terminates

-S <session name> create a session with <session name>

-ls list all running sessions

-r <session name> resume a session

To leave a session but keep it running, first ctrl+activate commands to screen, then
